Want A PA License and You’re Already Licensed in Another State?2023-04-12T11:15:49-04:00

Want A PA License and You’re Already Licensed in Another State?



It depends in which state you are currently licensed. Pennsylvania has “Reciprocity” with six other states. So if you are currently licensed as Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, Louisiana or Arkansas, you can apply for a reciprocal salesperson or broker’s license. In that case, you need only provide the following to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission:

  1. A completed application to the PA REC stating you are under not under any criminal investigation nor the subject of a licensing law violation probe.
  2. A certification from your current state’s licensing authority confirming you are a licensee in good standing, describing any previous disciplinary actions against you, and the name and address of your current employing broker.
  3. Submit a sworn statement from a PA broker attesting to your competence and integrity and confirming that this broker is willing to employ you in PA.

If you are currently licensed in a state other than the above six reciprocal states, you must take the following steps:

  1. A person who currently holds, or who has within the last five years held a license in another (non-reciprocal) state need pass only the Pennsylvania real estate law examination, not the national exam. You must score at least 75% on the 30-question exam. To learn the specific information, you’ll need to pass this state-specific exam, attend our three-hour exam prep class we call “Across the River.” You can find it HERE. https://gsreacademy.com/services/schedule-of-courses/#registration
  2. You should request from your own state’s licensing authority a certificate of license history attesting to your licensure status. You should submit this, together with your PSI application form and the current fee to PSI Examination Services, the vendor to which PA outsources licensing examinations. You can download the application form HERE: https://candidate.psiexams.com/catalog/fti_agency_license_details.jsp?fromwhere=findtest&testid=223 NOTE: The certificate of licensure cannot be more than 90 days old.
  3. You must provide a criminal history records check (CHRC) from the state police in the state where you are currently licensed and from all other states where you have lived or worked within the past five years. In lieu of this, you may provide an FBI identity history summary check, which you can request HERE: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks.
  4. Provide a copy of a Pennsylvania Criminal History Records Check, which you can request HERE: https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp
  5. You must be at least 18 years old (21 for a broker license) and be a high school graduate or equivalent.
  6. You must provide a statement from a Pennsylvania real estate broker attesting to your integrity and competence and stating that the broker will be responsible for and will supervise your real estate activities.
  7. If you hold a license for which you had to complete at least 75 hours of pre-licensing education, you need no further real estate classes to obtain a PA salesperson license.
    1. If you hold a license in a state which required fewer than 75 hours of pre-licensing education, you must take either the 30-hour PA pre-licensing course called “Real Estate Fundamentals” or the 45-hour course called “Real Estate Practice.” We offer both courses online for a significant discount HERE: (available online at a discount HERE: https://gsreacademy.theceshop.com/cart-home

TO OBTAIN A PA BROKER’s LICENSE if you are currently licensed as a broker in another state

It depends in which state you are currently licensed. Pennsylvania has “Reciprocity” with six other states. So if you are currently licensed as Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, Louisiana or Arkansas, you can apply for a reciprocal broker’s license. In that case, you need only provide the following to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission:

  1. A completed application to the PA REC stating you under not under any criminal investigation nor the subject of a licensing law violation probe.
  2. A certification from your current state’s licensing authority confirming you are a licensee in good standing, describing any previous disciplinary actions against you, and the name and address of your current employing broker.
  3. Submit a sworn statement from a PA broker attesting to your competence and integrity and confirming that this broker is willing to employ you in PA.

If you are currently licensed as a broker in a state other than the above six reciprocal states, you must take the following steps:

  1. A person who currently holds, or who has within the last five years held a broker license in another (non-reciprocal) state need pass only the Pennsylvania real estate law examination, not the national exam. You must score at least 75% on the 40-question exam. To learn the specific information, you’ll need to pass this state-specific exam, attend our three-hour exam prep class we call “Across the River.” You can find it HERE. https://gsreacademy.com/services/schedule-of-courses/#registration
  2. You should request from your own state’s licensing authority a certificate of license history attesting to your licensure status. You should submit this, together with your PSI application form and the current fee to PSI Examination Services, the vendor to which PA outsources licensing examinations. You can download the application form HERE: https://candidate.psiexams.com/catalog/fti_agency_license_details.jsp?fromwhere=findtest&testid=223 NOTE: The certificate of licensure cannot be more than 90 days old.
  3. You must provide a criminal history records check (CHRC) from the state police in the state where you are currently licensed and from all other states where you have lived or worked within the past five years. In lieu of this, you may provide an FBI identity history summary check, which you can request HERE: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks.
  4. Provide a copy of a Pennsylvania Criminal History Records Check, which you can request HERE: https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp
  5. You must be at least 21 for a broker license and be a high school graduate or equivalent.
  6. You must have obtained your broker license in a state that required at least 240 hours of broker pre-licensing education. If you completed fewer than 240 hours of pre-licensing education to earn your broker’s license, PA may require you to take additional broker classes to bring the total up to 240 hours. Applicants must score 16 points, with two points credited for each year the applicant has held the out-of-state broker license. Thus, once a person has been licensed as a broker for eight years, they need take no additional education if they earned their license with fewer than 240 hours of broker pre-licensing education.
  7. You must provide a statement from a Pennsylvania real estate broker attesting to your integrity and competence, stating that the broker will be responsible for and will supervise your real estate activities.

For up-to-date information, contact the Pennsylvania Real estate Commission at:

Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
Phone (717) 783-3658

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